Thursday, March 8, 2007

A Good Day

Today was nice. I didn't have the debut that I had hoped for, because there were no audiences, so we didn't perform any shows. I am looking forward to the weekend, because I pretty much feel like I have done everything I can to prepare, but since I don't get more rehearsal with other people, and since the show involves lots of improvisation, I will feel more comfortable and less antsy once I get to actually perform the show a few times.

I spent the time when we would have been doing shows talking to Stu the Aussie about all sorts of things. He's a really interesting guy who's done really cool things with his life and has much travelling experience. Good company, good conversation.

After work I came back home, finished unpacking my suitcases, and had some fun using skype, which, by the way, earns today's special prize for kicking arse. Talking is so easy, and the headset totally makes me feel like I am doing something quite official and important for NASA. Bonus!

After a quick pint at the village pub, where I met up with Stu and met his Girlfriend Alex (who is from Serbia), and chatted with the awesome bartender (from Romania), I was off for vegetarian love at the local tofu restaurant with the Edutainer girls. Due to illnesses and various obligations, only 3 of us ended up going, but the food was awesome, and it was nice to get to know a couple of the ladies I hadn't really met. We sat on the floor, old-school Korean style. We were stared at a lot. Andrea, who lives across the stairwell from me, and Cheryl, who is going to be the new Head Edutainer, were both really fun and friendly. The food was fantastic (I am totally impressed with my ability to handle the spice thus far, and I truly heart kimchee), and I learned from Cheryl all of the key phrases for making sure that there is no meat of any kind in my food. The literal translation of the word for "vegetarian" is "vegetable person."

After dinner, I decided to rain check poker night with Andrea and others (due to my present lack of skill; though I will learn, oh yes I will.) and accompanied Cheryl to visit her friends Jessica and Adam, who also live in EV (Jessica is a group leader in the teaching program). We stopped by Cheryl's apartment, where she dropped off some stuff and called Jessica to let her know that we were on our way. We also picked up Cheryl's cat, Elvira. Elvira is wearing a cone because she is getting over a case of ringworm on her face. Elvira is a lot like a dog. She sits by the door when it is time to go. She walked with us across the Village to Jessica's house willingly, without a leash. She follows people and comes when she is called by name. She has a tail that looks like it was injured at some point because it is short. Elvira is the coolest.

Jessica and Adam were completely gracious, fun and helpful. They served us wine and popcorn, and we talked about all sorts of things (a theme emerges), especially life in Korea and at EV. They gave me all kinds of advice and sent me away with a book about Korean culture and some American DVDs. I certainly hope to see more of those good folks.

Tomorrow I have morning shows (11:00 am -1:00 pm), we'll see if anyone shows up for those. After lunch, I start work on a script. It's for an outdoor show about a scientist and a robot who use the audience's help to reassemble a star that fell to earth and broke. Wouldn't it be nice if life were that easy? Then, more freedom. I am liking this.


Al Acker said...

Great talking to you last night. love, Dad

*M* said...

"Vegetable person."



Detroit Dan said...

Hi Alena. I loved reading your tales from EV. Keep 'em comin'! I'm down in Florida with Maryli, Emmett, Lily, and my parents. My mom's battling some diarhhea from some mahi-mahi she had for dinner, so we felt right at home reading about your strange cultural encounters (-;

I hope the edutainment goes well and that you get bigger and bigger audiences...

--The Amazing Tatay & Family--