Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blogging with Fire

Here, a little sample of the show I was treated to a few nights ago by a couple of my South African and Canadian compadres. Pretty cool, eh? I love poi, and the thick darkness of the village made it look all the more impressive. This was the culmination of a night of more shabu shabu and rowdy fun. Sometimes being here feels a little like revisiting college, only there are people from all over the world, and now we all know what's actually funny.

Not too much to report this time. I had my second Korean lesson Monday and it went really well. I am definitely improving, though I still know very little. At any rate, Hee Young was happy with what I had retained. Monday evening and much of Tuesday were spent with a couple of coworkers (one of them the "new guy"), chatting, shopping, cooking and watching episodes of The Sopranos. Quite nice to relax in good company. Also, we made tacos, YUM!

They've decided to run the Fairy Show on weekends in April (as well as this weekend), so I'll be doing that, as well as continuing with the Genie Show and starting rehearsals for the May/June main stage show and Children's Day. Plenty to keep me busy.

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