Tuesday, May 8, 2007

This Is Why They Pay Me the Big Bucks

So here's a little glimpse of our Children's Day Show. We had a good time.

Love Shack: "You're what?"
"Fine, thank you, and you?"

Singing Mama Mia with lots of lovely dancing ladies

Singing backup for "Shout," a little bit softer now, if you would.

These people were definitely ready to shout.

The "Mayor" of English Village decrees that all shall dance.

Children's Day was pretty wild. I spent my day out under the hot, bright sun, talking as a puppet, facilitating the limbo, teaching dances to kids (I did the chicken dance like 8 times, and I am now certain that it would be involved in my personal hell) and of course doing the show. It was great. Some of the kids were so adorable that I had to grit my teeth. Afterwards, I felt like showering and falling immediately into bed. Instead, I went and enjoyed some Shabu Shabu with a gaggle of villagers.

Sunday was also a busy day for me. I opened Little Red Riding Hood, which I'll be doing 4 times every Sunday until the end of June (minus the week I go to Israel, I'm going to Israel!). I carry pretty much the whole show until the Big Bad Wolf comes in at the end, so I was nervous about keeping the audience's attention, and making sure that the show was interactive enough. Luckily, it seemed to work well and was more fun than I had anticipated. The best part is when I get kids to come up on stage and be the tree, grass, mountain, pond and flowers that I see on the way to my Grandmother's house. After the show, I went to get some water at EV Mart and an older, gentlemanly park visitor there recognized me and insisted on buying me a juice because he thought I was a very hard worker. What a sweet person! It completely made my day.

In other news, I went on a date with a Jehova's Witness from Montreal yesterday. I went in expecting it to be the weirdest experience ever, and it was actually way more normal than expected-- but still weird. There was no evangelizing involved, and he was able to explain to me what the deal is with only a certain number of people getting to go to heaven and the number of Jehova's Witnesses in the world already exceeding that fixed, heaven-bound number. We went to a buffet restaurant called Marche, and then, because we discovered that we both love to sing, we went to a norebong... like a couple of HUGE dorks. Life is just so weird.


*M* said...

So...do you get to keep that pink wig? 'Cuz you could quite possibly be my hero if you do.

I'm not sayin'. Just sayin'.

Al Acker said...

Do you remember, you played Little Red in 1st grade at Waldorf School. That must have been a prophetic moment. Bravo mi hija. Mom

Alena Will Edutain Ya. said...

Hey Mom,
I believe that was 3rd grade, and the show was in German (you know, steel trap). Love you lots,


zini said...

love the wig. seriously. oh, and i second the try and keep it comment...