Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: A Year in Review

Fear not, gentle reader. Being abroad has not deprived me of the introspection, nostalgia and hope that arrive with the end of one year and the beginning of another.

Just for kicks, here's a little photo from New Year's Eve 2006, one year ago today.

It's been a great year, full of incredibly high ups and some downs as well. There have been a lot of firsts, too. This year I wrote my first musical, and it is currently up and running. 2007 also marks the very first time that I have done something that has been a goal of mine for a very, very long time; I have supported myself and earned my living entirely through doing what I love: performing. Incidentally, this is also the first year that I've ever lived in a theme park--who knew that would happen?

I've learned a lot this year. I can now read Hangul, the Korean language and speak a passable amount. I've sharpened my musical skills quite a bit and become a much better and more confident dancer. I've learned how to collaborate and enjoy it. I traveled to Israel and learned that it is an amazing country, a country to be visited and celebrated, not feared! I learned that honesty really is always the best policy. I've learned quite a bit about Korean culture as well as British culture, Australian culture and South African culture and my own culture as well.

This was a year of finding a much better balance between working hard and playing hard than I ever have before. A year free of major financial stress (once I made it to South Korea). I fell in and out of love this year and I started a healthy eating and workout program which enabled me to loose about 12 lbs. in the last eight weeks.

This year was not, however unmarred by pain and loss. The mother of a very dear friend passed away and other loved ones of mine have experienced health problems and other difficulties. I've had my own share of emotional turmoil, but I've learned from it and wouldn't have done anything differently.

All in all, it's been one of the best years of my life.

So, goals and hopes for 2008:

-Keep up the healthy habits and weight-loss
-Save as much money as humanly possible
-Use the free-time accrued by not going out and spending money to write a novel or an album
-Get reasonably good at playing guitar
-Be better about keeping in touch with family and friends
-Return to New York and single-handedly crush its theatre scene with my awesome

Happy New Year, Everyone! I wish you all a healthy and happy 2008.


Jeffrey Paul said...

New York ain't got shit on Berlin.


*M* said...

Ya know, Chicago could use your awesome, too.

I'm not sayin'.
Just sayin'. ;)

I miss you terribly! I hope we get to play sometime this year. I'm so proud of you!