Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In Which the Fun Don't Stop

Hello, friends and neighbors. Life in Korea has been pretty action-packed since last I wrote. First of all, Ocean World, the water park I visited the other week was thoroughly enjoyable. Some of the slides were great and I had lots of fun floating down the "Extreme River," where my comrades from the village and I formed a long chain of inner tubes.

The "river," however, was not the only extreme thing at the park. I have to say, though, that one of the major highlights of my little journey was the fact that our bus was equipped with Karaoke!

I kid you not, dear reader.

We had a great time singing our way home, when we would otherwise have been sleeping. Oh Korea, sometimes you are truly awesome.

My birthday was also loverly. Thanks to everyone for all of the phone calls, emails and myspace/facebook messages, they really helped me feel special on my special, special day. Special. I got a wonderful package from Mom and Dad and a veritable plethora of gifts from Mr. DT. I slept in and got a two-hour Thai massage which was incredible for an insanely reasonable price. I relaxed at home and then met up with a bunch of friends and Andrea, my Birthday twin, for dinner at Uno's. After eating a fantastic Gorgonzola pizza and drinking an alcoholic Oreo cookie shake, it was time to do some shaking of my own at the Rosenbrau (please don't shoot me for that one, couldn't resist).

The new band there, while also Filipino, is even better than the previous one. This proves once again that everything from the Philippines is awesome.

A nice healthy crowd turned up, and we got our collective groove on.

Much merry was made, and even some Korean wallflowers joined in the dancing. A table of Koreans behind us bought me a beer, and another guy there whose birthday it was gave a piece of his cake to Andrea and me (note to all: that right there, "Andrea and me," that was correct grammar. Just sayin'.). Score!

Friday night, the president gave yet another English Village garden party. And party we did.

In addition to eating yummy food, and playing dodge ball, we learned Korean circle dances like the one above.

And did some dancing with El Presidente himself.

And also learned Korean tug-o-war, in which the goal is to trick your partner into loosing his/her balance rather than just plain pulling him over. Sneaky.

Saturday, I was treated to a Soccer game with the lovable DT and a bunch of his friends in Ilsan. Japan played France and France won (allez la France!). It was a nice, relaxing time (much less rowdy than I expected, but hey).

On Sunday, there was a going away party for Cheryl, my boss/coworker/friend. The theme was "anything but clothes," meaning that that's what you could wear.

Here is Cheryl in here map/cardboard box combo, and me in a dress made of plastic shopping bags. Tres chic, non?

As you can see, we weren't the only ones who got creative. It was a really good send out, and for me, an extraordinarily good village party in terms of the many interesting conversations that I had and the generally festive mood.

And that about catches us up. I just completed the first day of the last week of my show. I really love it, but my body is starting to say that enough is enough, and I do look forward to working on new scripts and rehearsing new material. Also, next season will feature a new game show and a little "bank robbery" show-type-thing, both of which I'll be performing at various times. This week is all craziness as everyone works on getting the shows polished and ready for their September 4th openings and I scramble to learn the part for which I am understudying and finish the first draft of my script. Just one of those busy times (like nausea, they kind of come in waves). Alright, 10-4 for now.

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