Friday, November 28, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

Hey, Sports Fans! (as Mom would say). It has certainly been a while. This post opens with a picture from my boss's 1960's themed Birthday party which took place in mid-October. This is because I couldn't figure out how to make blogger allow me to type above it. Grrrr. Anyhow, here I am with the Birthday boy, dressed as a beatnik.

As you can see, people took the theme of said party pretty seriously.

It was actually one of the biggest, most successful EV parties in a while, as evidenced by the epic photo above.

And of course no October would be complete without a Halloween celebration. On actual Halloween, which was a Friday, I went with a bunch of Village folk to Hongdae, the club district in Seoul. I thought of my costume about an hour before we had to catch the bus...

I went as Cherry from the Robert Rodriguez movie Planet Terror (part of the Grindhouse double feature). For those of you unfamiliar, she gets attacked by zombies and then gets a machine gun peg leg.

Since two parties are better than one, we also got festive at the good old EV pub the following Sunday.

Here I am with Evan, the gent who's kind of turned my little world upside down here in the past few months. We went as Jay and Silent Bob from the Kevin Smith movies.

The party doubled as a fund raising concert for UNICEF...

So we played a few ditties. We did a cover of a Beyonce song (trust me, when I play it it's a whole different song), an original by me, and a cover of a couple of our pals, the EV Boyz's songs but in very different musical styles. I must say I was less than thrilled with my performance. I just have a really hard time playing guitar in front of people. Still, it was a good experience and people seemed to enjoy it well enough.

And here I am with my friend Anand, drinking our last jar of "sludge" (bentonite clay with ginger root and apple pectin) as part of a five-day colon cleanse. I cannot believe that I actually made it five days without putting any nutrients into my body. It was wild. It was tough, but easier than I thought. I definitely got rid of lots of mucoid plaque (don't google image that unless you have a strong stomach) and I do feel like it improved my metabolism and changed me in some other positive ways. Yay for hopefully being healthier.

As usual, I've been keeping quite busy. I went on a fantastic trip to Lao(s), about which I will write soon, since I figure it deserves its very own entry. I'm working on getting the show I'm directing up and running (it starts next week) and trying to pack up my life and sell my belongings, as my time in South Korea is quickly drawing to a close.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about leaving here and returning to the states, especially with all the horror stories I've been hearing with regard to the economic recession. Still, I am dying to see friends and family and looking forward to spending Christmas with them, not to mention feeling a bit burnt out on my job here. Also, I don't ever want to become stagnant or complacent, and I feel the need to move forward in my carrier. It's been an amazing experience in myriad ways, one for which I am incredibly thankful.

And speaking of thankful, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. I hope that your celebrations were full of warmth and family and delicious food. We had a small strolling dinner here last night, and we are having a bigger celebration Sunday night when more people will be able to attend. Hurray gluttony!

I'll be returning to Detroit on December 21st following an (hopefully) awesome South East Asian adventure with my Uncle Chava. The thing is, I'm supposed to fly from Bangkok, so let's hope things there settle down by then.

1 comment:

*M* said...

Hottest. Cherry Darling. EVER.