Sunday, October 7, 2007

Oh Blogosphere! We Meet Again at Long Last

In celebration of random Korean things...

I bring you giant dancing bottles of soju, Korea's favorite liquor. I realize I haven't written in a while. Truth be told, what with revising my script on a more-than-daily basis, I've been feeling a bit written out. The good news is, my show is definitely going to be produced. Two of the accompaniment tracks for the songs are also finished. It sure is exciting to hear something I created changing shape and sounding full.

In other good news, I was privileged to meet the family of our dear Dylan Thomas a couple of weeks ago. Here I am, singing karaoke with said Welsh poet's lovely sister.

The end of September saw Chuseok, the Korean version of Thanksgiving. This meant that I got to see all sorts of cute kids running around in traditional Korean garb. It also meant that DT and I had two days off together (a rarity for us since we work different schedules).

We were able to relax and spend some time exploring a few fun Seoul neighborhoods, as well as the beautiful Lake Park in Ilsan where he lives.

Last week, the two of us also spent some time in my favorite bar in the Hongdae club district. The Hongdae area is full of students and is thus full of all sorts of rowdy, yet predictable clubs and bars.

Thus, this bar, which is in a green, non-descript building, is a rare find. As you can see, crazy things hang from the ceiling, and the walls are covered with shelves of CDs and records.

Patrons sit Korean-style, on comfy cushions on the floor. Also, there are three cats.

Here I am, giving the cat who shall be known as "White Kitty" some loving. I have named the other two cats "Gray Kitty" and "Medium Kitty" (Creative, I know). Also, note the infamous "Ho Bar" in the background.

Here is White Kitty, after she climbed onto our table and stole the straw from my (thankfully empty) long island iced tea.

Last Tuesday, I was lucky enough to see Ennio Morricone conducting his own ground-breaking compositions which were played by the Roma Sinfonietta. Here I am all dressed to the nines for the occasion.

The concert was held in Seoul in one of the Olympic gyms. While the sound could have been better, I was moved and inspired and had a great night.

And well, I suppose those are all of the highlights for now. Tonight, I am heading out on a short camping trip with a sizable group of villagers. I look forward to some bonfire goodness, some scrabble, and some hiking fun. Hurray for fall!

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