Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Some People Wear Suits to Work

But I wear this. Seriously.

Never fear, I have not, in fact gained 40 pounds. This thing is padded hard core and it's hot in there, especially when you have 4 dance numbers to make it through. Also, doing choreography with ears like that is pretty interesting...

Today was the opening for A Long Time Ago in Africa. The play (as I may have mentioned) is based on the "Just So" stories by Rudyard Kipling. We are off to a great start. I had lots of fun, and ended up less exhausted than I'd expected. I also, incidentally, split my pants. Luckily no one noticed, thanks to the lovely tutu you see above. The costume designer came right after our last show to pick them up and fix them, so all should be well. It was bad, though, like Elephant chaps.

Last week was pretty crazy, what with doing You're a Star all week and then having rehearsals for A Long Time Ago in Africa before and after the shows. It was definitely good-busy, though and once I get into the rhythm of doing three shows a day, life will normalize again.

I've been spending the majority of my free time these days with Dylan Thomas. I ask you,

are we not a handsome couple? We've been doing fun things like visiting the dogs and cats in his local pet store, enjoying EV parties, watching lots of films whilst devouring mass quantities of chocolate and other junk food, and occasionally imbibing full pitchers of soju cocktail, sometimes through straws. Also, he gave me a lego set for a Michael Moore action figure. Awesome, no? If only I had an Ann Coulter one, too. Then I could make them battle each other.

While we're on the subject of handsome couples, I have to give a shout-out to Mom and Dad, who celebrated their 40th anniversary three days ago. They are now off celebrating on a cruise. Way to go, Albie and Lench!

Also, a happy Independence Day to all of the folks back home (and to my fellow Americans abroad). Shoot off some fireworks in my honor, as we can't do that here in Paju because we are too close to North Korea. I plan to celebrate by playing flag football (what could be more American?) and then drinking some beer. Yee friggin' haw.

1 comment:

*M* said... realize that I gasped when I saw the picture of you in an elephant suit, right? Did you hear the gasp all the way across the globe? That was me. I'm printing that off and sticking it with all the other elephants in my house. :)

Also, congrats to your parents!!! Virtual high fives to them!