Thursday, July 10, 2008

Flying Through July

And here it is, July 10th already. I know I must sound like a broken record, but it's incredible the way time flies. My fourth of July celebration was, in a word, subdued. I think I wore a sticker all day with some kind of Uncle Sam reference and that was about it. I went to the gym and then went home and read. No fireworks or anything. I guess it's a little sad, but not when you consider the rollicking Canada Day Celebration I had three days before. Besides it's what I felt like doing.

This is a big month full of activities. There have been several Birthday parties already, with more on the way. This coming weekend is the annual Boryeong Mud Festival which I may or may not attend for the second time. The following weekend I'm planning a trip to Busan (Korea's second biggest city, on the southern coast) because I have a three-day weekend. The weekend after that is the Pentaport Rock Festival, a huge outdoor concert held in Inchon (the city outside of Seoul in which the airport is located). I didn't get to go last year because I didn't have any time off on the weekends, but this time around I have my ticket and will be attending Saturday Night and Sunday. I am stoked. I haven't been to a music fest like this since Germany in 2003!

Also it seems that love is in the air all over the place, as I think there have been more weddings, engagements and baby announcements in the past couple of months than I can remember at any other point in my life. And English Village is no exception. Last Sunday my friend and coworker, Candy, married a man whom she met and fell in love with a year ago at EV. In preparation for the big day we, her lovely girl friends in the Edutainment department, threw a bachelorette party for her. We kidnapped Candy and took her to a nearby hotel.

Here I am with the victim in the back of a cab. We were so stealthy and she was so shocked, that her hand got tied into her blindfold.

Here's the lovely, blushing bride complete with silly bride outfit made for her by our costume captain.

All of the ladies were busy breaking it down and enjoying some wine...

When the police (in the form of a couple of well-disguised coworkers) showed up to put us in our places. It was HILARIOUS. The night's revels included delicious pizza and a jacuzzi, as well as a banana-shaping competition (I decided to spare you those photos, but know that I was the winner). It was a great surprise for Candy and a great night for all.

Now back to those aforementioned Birthday parties. Last Monday, my friends/coworkers Rachel and Tonya decided to have a joint celebration, so after some tasty Korean lunch, we headed down the street to drive some Go-Karts!

Here I am with Rachel, all suited up for our epic race.

And here are our friends all ready and rearing to go. I pretty much came in dead last, but it was fun anyhow.

And now, for what is perhaps the biggest news in my world: I've decided to stay in Korea for another 3 months. Now, I know you all must be thinking that I am totally addicted to life here and that I am never coming back. Let me assure you that that is not the case. It just so happens that staying a little longer will give me the time to work on some important personal projects while still enjoying a pretty easy, fun life. I have negotiated some things that were important to my happiness for the additional three months into my new contract. I will have more money saved and more money for travel, and I will arrive back in Michigan in time to spend two or three weeks around Christmastime with family and friends. Then in January, I'll be back in NYC for the beginning of the big audition season, so timing should be pretty stellar. I'm not completely thrilled with this decision, but I do think it is the wisest and best one for now. When I hear about how hard it can be to find work in the States these days, it seems to make sense for me to take advantage of this opportunity and its many sub-opportunities for as long as I can stand it. I look forward to more fun and adventures and creative endeavors in the coming months.