Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ob La Dee, Ob La Da

Well, it's been a week since I retired my trusty elephant suit. Here are a couple of pictures of the suit in action:

Good times with my fellow animals.

This one is part of the opening dance sequence.

And here I am, with my head in the crocodile's mouth.

All in all, I did the show 124 times, which is longer than any run I've ever had, especially in the space of nine weeks. I definitely feel more like a human being now, but I already kind of miss the show. During the run I'd get so tired that many nights I just felt like holing up in my room and relaxing rather than even talking to my friends, let alone going out. It's great having the energy for a healthy debate or a nice long walk, but I already miss having performing be the focus of my day. Still, soon enough I'll be in rehearsals again and the madness will return.

Right now I'm on the development team, which means that I'm working on new scripts and hosting our wild west game show: The Gold Rush Challenge. I wrote a script draft complete with lyrics and music, which I pitched to the rest of my team last week. While my colleagues had a lot of helpful ideas for, comments on, and criticisms of my work, it was really well received all in all. You know that your work has potential when people are interrupting each other to throw out ideas to help improve it faster than you can write them down. Also, I'm really excited about the music I wrote. It's something I've always wanted to do but felt kind of intimidated by. The process was fun and rather natural. Granted, this is for children's ESL theatre--about as simple as it gets--but one must start somewhere, eh? I need to make lots of changes (some of which have already been made) and tweak away, and the script will need approval from the whole team in order to be chosen for production, but I am psyched and ready to work until it's awesome.

Strangely, it feels almost like spring here in South Korea. The oppressive summer humidity is gone, but the skies have been blue and the sun has been bright and the leaves are still green and intact as ever. Maybe the fact of starting new projects adds to this. In any event, its nice but also a little disconcerting.

Although tonight is my weekend, I'm looking forward to a relaxing night, maybe with a bit of socializing tacked on as, even though I thought I needed "me time," I feel a little lonely.

I miss cottage cheese and friends who have known me for years.

I can't believe I've been here for six months already.